Friday 16 January 2015

Group: Animatic



The task of creating the storyboard has been able to put all of our ideas together into one continuous piece so that we have a product of all of our thoughts. First of all Ollie had to draw the frames to each of the shots in a box which represented the shot size and movement in the shot, and under there was a few lines to which he could describe the sound in the shot and the shot size. This then had to be captured on camera and put on the computer to be edited into the specific shot time. Then sound was added to give a further sense of realism to the piece.
Complete story board
From creating this piece of work, its let us know what our original ideas look like and the effect of shot time and shot size on the piece and we can expand on this and learn from our mistakes to create a truly horror centred piece.

1 comment:

  1. you need to amend the layout of this post and put more detail in to make this a level four post
