Monday 8 December 2014

FC: Concept Development - Potential Locations

The concept for our project revolves around the idea of a female antagonists being interrogated by two police officers. For this we need a realistic location to shoot the questioning. This could include an abandoned building or warehouse or even just some ones cleared shed with a few changes
This scene from Batman The Dark Knight (Nolan, 2008) shows an ideal location.

made to it. Our concept also requires other locations in which we can film flash backs. When we look at potential filming locations we must take into account the fact that we are setting our coursework in the 1960's so it will be hard to film in public places. The Batman still below shows the kind of room we would ideally use, I don't have one of these in my house and neither do Ben and Ollie as far as I know so we might have to make do with a shed or even an old school class room.
        A potential location for this scene would be my garage, this would mean clearing the area to asses its suitability. We would also need to look at how we can transform the room to give it the feel of the 1960's if we proceed with the idea of setting it in this era.

This is an image of the room we are considering using, however it is unlikely because of the amount of time that would be needed to make it suitable for what we are planning to do with it. At the moment it is looking like we will have to make other plans for the locations that we need.

A lovely modern day garage.

1 comment:

  1. Why don't you ask Mr Mitchell the site manager, I believe there is space under the stage
