The purpose of our trip to wilderness woods is to check the area for risk and suitability. This will prepare us for shooting in an previously unknown area. This knowledge will be valuable when looking for new locations to shoot our horror film opening. We will be able to carry out risk assessments effectively which is also very important for our final coursework. The purpose of this trip is to also test out specific camera angles and shots we may want to use in our horror opening. We can also find areas of the woods that are suitable and are linked to the theme of horror. This will challenge to think about how we can use specific areas creatively regarding horror, and will subsequently give us ideas on how we will want to do things later.
Risk Assessment
A risk assessment is used to analyse and identify the particular risks that may be involved in doing a task. This includes anything that may put a person or camera equipment at danger. We have identified the following risks that may accompany a trip to the woods:
- The weather can cuase the ground to be very wet and slippery, which can cause a student to fall over. we will try to minimise this risk by making sure we wear suitable footwear.
- Another risk is the rain. If it rains, then there is the danger of equipment getting severely damaged. We will minimise this risk by bringing umbrellas so, if it rains, we can hold the equipment under the umbrella so it does not get damaged by the rain.
- There is also the risk of a student tripping on raised roots of trees.
We would like to use this location reccie to try out some camera shots that we have been thinking about trying out. This includes:
- Establishing shots
- Panning
- 360 pan
- Dutch tilt
- Worms eye view
- Tracking
- Extreme Close Up (ECU)
We would also like to see how we can use locations effectively and use natural lighting to our advantage to make our horror opening natural and create a sense of immediacy and realism. We would like to explore the possibility of doing the sub-genres of psychological horror, zombie horror and gothic horror, so we will use our time effectively to try and apply the iconography we have researched to a real filming task.
very good work