Saturday, 22 November 2014

Group: Production Log - Wilderness Woods

What Did We Learn?

  • We learnt how to carry out an effective location reccie and an accompanying risk assessment. This will help us in our final coursework piece as we will need to do a reccie and risk assessment for every location we use.
  • We learnt how to think creatively using the area we had available and we learnt how to create a narrative through camera shots.
  • We also learnt a lot about how to create a sense of immediacy and realism when it came to shots like POV and handicam. 
  • We also learnt how to effectively plan out our shots and this made it much easier when it came to shooting our film.
What Went Well?

  • Our use of the track and dolly was very effective and gave a very professional look to our film, especially with the natural sunlight coming through the trees in the background.
  • We came up with some interesting shots that we wanted to try out, like the actor and the camera going towards each other until they meet, and then cutting to a shot behind the actor. This was very effective and was probably one of our best shots of the day.
  • One positive was that we worked well as a group to contribute ideas and that helped create a strong storyline. We worked efficiently and had a good idea of what we wanted to do
What Didn't Go Well?

  • We felt that maybe because of the limited time we had that our storyline, although strong, was still very weak and generic. However, we will have to chance to create a more enigmatic piece for a our final coursework.
  • We took some shots that we did not use in our final piece. These shots included zooming, which we found was ineffective because we were unable to get a smooth zoom in on the character.
  • One other shot that didn't go well was when we tracked the protagonist by walking backwards while he was moving forwards. This was very diffucult to do without getting a very wobbly shot so we decided not to use it.
  • We feel that maybe we could have done a bit more to create a smoother transition between shots and have better continuity.

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