Sunday, 7 December 2014

BJ: Technical Analysis - The Dark Knight (Nolan, 2008)

I have decided to analyse the interrogation scene in the Dark Knight. This is a very appropriate scene as our whole film opening will be an interrogation scene, so this scene can give us ideas on how to use camera shots in this context.

Camera Shot DurationMise-en-SceneSound
Over the Shoulder/Long Shot. Slowly moving in towards the character as he enters and sits down.20sIt is very dimly lit, so much so that we only see the Joker’s face lit up by two desk lamps. Diagetic sound of the door opening and the officer sitting down. No soundtrack. First piece of dialogue.
Medium shot of the Joker’s face. The camera is slowly moving in towards him.19sLow key lighting used to light up half of the Joker’s face. Make up used on the Joker. We can also see that he is wearing handcuffs. Still no soundtrack, just dialogue. This creates more tension and unease.
Medium close up of Commissioner Gordon’s face.5sAgain the lighting is so dark that we can only see half of his face. His facial expression tells us that he is nervous or intimidated by the Joker. Just dialogue from the Joker.
Medium close up of the Joker’s face4sLow key lighting again to create tension. Dialogue once again with some ambience to create tension.
MCU of Commissioner Gordon’s face. This time the camera has moved further into his face so we get a clearer reaction shot.7sOnce again only half of his face is lit.Just dialogue between the two of them.
MCU of Joker’s face.2sLighting is used so you can only see the Joker’s head, where as when we see Commissioner Gordon there is more lighting in the background. This could have been used to portray the Joker as a darker person than Gordon.Dialogue once again with added ambience to create suspense.
Low shot behind the Joker with commissioner Gordon in full view. Kind of an over the shoulder shot but lower.5sStill very low key lighting. This time the Commissioner stands up and unlocks the Joker’s handcuffs. When Commissioner Gordon stands up it shows his authority over the Joker.Still just dialogue and ambience.
CU of Joker3sLow key once again with Joker leaning forward.Dialogue
Medium shot of Commissioner Gordon by the door.3sThe door is lit brighter.Diagetic sound of the Commissioner walking and the sound of the door buzzing open, which suggests it was locked.
CU of the Joker7sThe room is still low key lit but then the lights come on and Batman is revealed to be standing behind the Joker. Diagetic sound of the door closing and of batman slamming the Joker’s head onto the table.
MCU of Batman2sWe can see by Batman’s facial expression that he is very aggressive. This is where Batman is revealed to the Joker. Batman is wearing all black, his signature costume. No sound to create more tension.
CU of the Joker3sThe Joker is clearly dazed by the hit to the head and he continues to lick his scars to draw attention to them and try to intimidate Batman.Dialogue.
Long shot behind Batman from the back of the room. 1sThe room is well lit now so we can see both characters. Batman is positioned standing up so we know he is the one in control, not the Joker.
Close up of the Joker’s hand getting crushed by Batman.1/2sThis is just to show what Batman did to the Joker.Diagetic sound of Batman grunting and the loud bang when his hand hits the table. Still no soundtrack.
Over the shoulder shot of Batman2sBatman, through character exposition, has been positioned higher than the Joker, showing his power over him. Non-verbal Language is also used as by Batman’s facial expression we can see he is aggressive.Some heavy breathing sounds by Batman to show his frustration and anger.
MCU of Joker. 4sJoker’s face looks surprised.Just dialogue.
Over the shoulder shot of Batman3sAgain Batman’s NVL tells us he is angry as well as his tone of voice.Dialogue.
Over the shoulder shot of the Joker. The camera is also slowly moving to the other side past batman’s head.10sThe Joker is trying to intimidate Batman by licking his scars.Dialogue.
Over the shoulder shot of Batman2sAgain NVL tell us Batman is angry.Dialogue
Over the shoulder shot of the Joker. The camera has now moved to the other side of Batman and is still slowly moving horizontally.8sAgain the Joker is very calm but intimidatingDialogue.


  • This scene mainly uses close ups and over the shoulder shots to show the conversation between two people. This is something we would like to use extensively in our opening, however we could try to expand ideas a little further.
  • The lack of soundtrack in this scene creates a lot of tension. This is something we would like to emulate, however not to the extent Nolan has done it in this scene.
  • The lighting is something that we believe is very effective as it creates a sense of enigma around the character as we can only see half of his face. 
  • We would like to add more non-diagetic sound to our opening than they did in this sequence.
    A good idea for lighting as it creates tension.
In this shot you can see that the camera is on Batman's left shoulder.

In the next shot, the camera has moved to Batman's right shoulder.

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