Tuesday, 2 December 2014

OH: Concept Development - Costume

To create a sense of verisimilitude in the production, as our idea will be based around a 1960's- 1970's theme the costumes will need to support this time frame. The desired cast at the moment would be a police officer, a detective, a female convict, a male convict and several extras to be killed off by the female and male convict.
1960's police officer's uniform
Policeman outfit
For the male police officer it would be a lot easier if we were to go out and purchase a typical 1960's police uniform from an appropriate outlet. This consists of the all black trousers with the buttoned up jacket and the police officers hat, however this costume isn't vital as the police officer will be getting limited frame time.
Female convict outfit 1
The detective would have to be in more casual clothes maybe a shirt and suit that's unbuttoned. Not only this but we would probably have to unbutton the shirt slightly to give a sense of the potential interrogation taking place over a long period of time. Furthermore I think the colours used on this outfit should also be quite plain, maybe a brown suit and yellow shit coupled with a scruffy tie, just so that the detective doesn't get prevalence in the scene. All of these factors contribute to the sense of realism in the piece. This is in fact, one of the more important out fits as the detective and the female convict will both receive the most amount of time in the shot.

female Convict outfit 2
The female convict is the most important figure in the scene, thus the outfit should represent her with the prevalence in the shot. Outfit 1 could be useful especially if we want to put a black and white filter over the top. However if we don't she may stand out too much and almost slightly cliché. So another option would be to dress her in a straight jacket, as seen on outfit 2, to make her seem so dangerous and slightly crazy. The male convict should support the dominant ideology of men showing little emotion and being prone to violent thoughts, thus should be dressed in big walking boots, baggy jeans with holes in them, simply a plane t-shirt and a jacket all very plain colours. This is because with the plain colours we don't want to give him any prevalence in shots which are used from him in the jump cuts. However it wont be a massive problem if they are as the majority of shots used from him will be POV, or over the shoulder shots, only revealing maybe his hands and feet.
Finally the extras used when we cut back to the killings of the victims, wont need to be of any particular age as we'll only use the POV shots of them to reveal the faces of the killers. Also, we as a group are pretty set on  having the killing set with a black and white filter over the top allowing there to be an eerie feel to the deaths.

1 comment:

  1. This is an interesting idea and a well presented post on concept development. However, if you are not going to use the costume as the visual signifier for the era, how will you convey that it is the 60s? And is it really relevant that it is the 60s? What about haircuts? You will need to research costume and props in more detail here to be sure it is worth continuing with the historical era. Also, where might you get hold of a straitjacket?
