Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Group Discussion for Production

Main Ideas -
In lesson we discussed the potential ideas for the production, in class and put it into a mind map, to which we came to the conclusion about the possible plot, set design, location and type of antagonist.
  • The plot will be during the 1960's, when a psychotic serial killer is getting interrogated by a detective about numerous murders carried out by her and her husband (the detective doesn't know about the husband). To which we use jump cuts to cut back to the killing of extras. All of which is integrated using intercutting using the three situations: The interrogation, the flashback to the murders and the husband breaking into the police station.
  • Possible ideas for the set situation/design will be an interrogation room much like the ones used in prisons with simply some reflective glass, a desk and two chairs. However we will also have to source locations for the killing. Potentially the easiest locations for the killings would be at households so that there is a lot less interruption from the public allowing us to get it done a lot quicker.
  • We came to the conclusion that the antagonist will be female, challenging the dominant ideologies and stereotypes of the main character being male. Not only this but she will outwit the detective and police officers, showing her to be superior and adding a binary. Ultimately allowing our piece to be progressive

1 comment:

  1. Good - effective group discussion work documented here.
