- Good use of juxtapose music. Was described as "groovy"
- Appropriate use of continuity editing.
- Narrative was clear despite lack of dialogue
- Effective shot of foot stepping into a puddle and a nice use of the track and dolly.
- Good editing for the POV shot of the antagonist which made the shot feel more real.
- Suspense was built through the use increasing cut speeds.
- Non-Diegetic sound successfully created a scarier atmosphere.
- The over the shoulder shot that was used in the chase scene.
- The cut to black at the end was "enigmatic" as it made the audience wonder what would happen next.
- Acting, although the antagonist was flawless the victim could of been more convincing.
- The chase scene could of been more dragged out.
- more jump cuts could of been used to improve the over all effect.
- The first POV shot could of been more clear, some audience members didn't immediately understand that it was the antagonists point of view.
How can this information be used in future productions?
- We will continue to make use of the track and dolly because it provided us with effective shots.
- we will also continue to explore different sources of sound whether it be during or in post production.
- The production made it clear how important continuity will be going forward when making future films.
- we will endeavour to use more jump cuts and make use of cutting rates in our future productions.
Very good analysis Freddie, your use of media language is good, but you should try to avoid using slang like 'dragged out'