Tuesday, 13 January 2015

BJ: Analysis of Title Sequence - Halt and Catch Fire (Cantwell, 2014)

Order of Titles

  • 0:00-0:01 - "AMC Presents"
  • 0:01-0:03 - "Lee Pace"
  • 0:04-0:06 - "Scoot McNairy"
  • 0:07-0:09 - "Mackenzie Davis"
  • 0:11-0:13 - "Kerry Bishé"
  • 0:13-0:15 - "Toby Huss"
  • 0:15-0:16 - "David Wilson Barnes"
  • 0:17-0:19 - "Executive Producers Mark Johnson Melissa Bernstein"
  • 0:17-0:19 - "Executive Producer Johnathan Lisco"
  • 0:23-0:27 - "Halt and Catch Fire"
  • 0:27-0:30 - "Created By Christopher Cantwell & Christopher C.Rogers"

The font in this opening sequence is very simple, with white writing on a red background. The red background has connotations of horror however the white writing does not. The white writing, however, makes it stand out on the screen. The titles are constantly moving around the screen in this sequence. This means the attention of the viewer is constantly being shifted from one place to another, keeping them alert and on their toes. This also creates a sense of the unexpected as you don't know where it is going to appear next. The simple font has connotations of an older time, which links in with the fact that "Halt and Catch Fire" is a period drama set in the 1980's. The animation of the titles follows the camera movement of the background. For example, if the camera is zooming out, the titles will have the illusion of zooming out as well. This is clever as it feels like the titles are a real part of the scene. As for the order of titles, the actors are shown first, and then the producers are shown next, and finally the creators are shown last. This is because the creators are the most important people so they go last, meaning the audience knows their name best.

Links Between Text, Visuals and Content

This opening gives us the feel of a drama. This is because the titles are very simple and classy, giving us no indication that it is any other genre. We also get the feeling that it is a period drama because of the titles. They are not too modern so do not give off the impression that the show is set in the present. The show is created by an American company named "AMC". This is not a huge company so the titles could be indicative of that.

Links to Production

This title sequence could be influential in our final production because of the simplicity and classiness of it. We especially would like to emulate the positioning of the titles as it creates a sense of unease and unexpectedness. However, these titles are not specifically indicative of horror, so we may have to think of ways to make it more horrific.

1 comment:

  1. good work Ben, you are right the opening is more indicative of thriller but the pace and use of colour is something you might like to think about for your flashback for example? 16/20
