Tuesday, 13 January 2015

FC: Reflection on Shoot 11/01/2015

We started shooting at 2:30 and finished quite quickly, by around 4:30 we had all the shots that we felt like we needed for what was planned for that day of filming. The location was really suited to what we were trying to do, however we did run into some problems with the lighting which was quite grainy when it came out on the camera. However we have since changed it on premier. Before we started Ben and Ollie were there setting up for about an hour because I was late. However we ploughed on regardless and ended up with some good shots.
    The shots we focussed on were based around the dialogue between our antagonist and interrogator. We had to get all the shots we needed of the antagonist because my sister was quite pushed for time. We also wanted to focus on these scenes because they are vital to the production so we wanted to get them shot first. Our storyboard mainly dictated what shots we shot however we did change some parts and ended up with more tracking shots then we planned because the use of the track and dolly seemed quite effective. some of our tracking shots were quite shaky but overall they were successful and produced good results. the shoot was quite challenging in some parts, for example the two people acting hadn't really seen the script before so some shots were wasted by the actors incompetence. We did manage to get some really nice shots though and got all the footage we planned to get for that day of filming in the next shoot we will probably concentrate more on close ups and faster smaller shots but we have learned how important lighting is from our first shot.

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