Monday, 5 January 2015

Location Recce and Pictures

Our friend Andrew has kindly allowed us to use a workshop that he owns near his house for our horror opening. We will use this warehouse as the setting for our police interrogation as it gives a corrupt feel to the police operation and creates a better atmosphere for horror.

Obviously we will need to clear out the workshop a bit to clear a space but we feel this is an ideal location for us to film.

Risk Assessment:

  • There are a lot of shelves stacked with a lot of dangerous tools which could fall over if knocked so we will have to be careful.
  • Also, a lot of tools are just lying around so we may have to make sure that they are all put safely away so no one gets hurt during filming.
  • When we are filming it may be dark so it will be easy to trip and walk into things. This could cause injuries to the cast and crew.

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