Tuesday, 13 January 2015

FC: Analysis of Title Sequence - True Detective (Fukunaga, 2014)

Durations and Orders of Titles:
True detective has a very artistic title sequence that includes elements similar to our coursework in terms of the involvement of detectives in the plot. Because of this I thought True Detectives title sequence would be a good one to look at.

The Titles that are featured:
0:03-0:05 - "Woody Harrelson Mathew McConaughey"
0:05-0:07 - "Michelle Monaghan"
0:07-0:09 - "Michael Potts"
0:09-0:11 - "Tory Kittles"
0:14-0:16 - "Casting by Alexa L. Fogel, CSA"
0:18-0:20 - "Music by T Bone Burnett"
0:24-0:26 - "Costume Designer Jenny Eagan"
0:28-0:30 - "Editor Alex Hall"
0:32-0:34 - "Production Designer Alex Digerlando"
0:42-0:44 - "Director of Photography Adam Arkapaw"
0:48-0:50 - "Co-Producer Jessica Levin"
0:52-0:54 - "Producer Carol Cuddy"
0:55-0:57 - "Executive producers Steve Golin Richard Brown"
0:58-1:00 - "Executive producer Woody Harrelson"
1:03-1:05 - "Executive producer Mathew McConaughey"
1:08-1:10 - "Executive producer Scott Stephens"
1:12-1:14 - "Executive producer Cary Joji Fukunaga"
1:18-1:20 - "Executive producer Nic Pizzolatto"
1:21-1:24 - "True Detective"
1:25-1:27 - "Created by Nic Pizzolatto"
1:27-1:29 - "Written by Nic Pizzolatto"
1:29-1:30 - "Directed by Cary Joji Fukunaga"

  • The Titles flick between black and white depending on the background. 
  • The Font is very clear and stencilled which makes it bold and stands out against the background.
  • the animation and editing in the title sequence is very clever and the words are situated on various corners of the screen depending on what is going on in the rest of the shot.
  • Nearly all the shots stay on the screen for 2 seconds and they either move or retreat backwards again depending on what else is happening on the screen.

  • The other all title design is very impressive with various landscapes and human features intricately fading in and out in between each other.
  • The title of "True Detective" is all in capitals in a red ember like font which stands out against the background. The program is set in Louisiana and the font choice has connotations which show this. The images that appear on the screen also show pretty standard images of classic Southern USA with isolated power plants and such.
  • most words are Block capital with the persons name appearing larger then there function. For example "executive producer" will be in smaller text than "Woody Harrelson" 

What has this Intro taught me?:
  • The piece has been good because it adequately shows how titles can be embedded to suit the action on screen which will be the main focus in our coursework.
  • It also shows how the text can be related the main themes of the piece.
  • its also show the relation ship between visuals and titles which will be vital for our final piece.
How can we use these ideas in our production?:
  • I think the way in which the text on screen adapted around the surroundings was really useful to see and I also think it can be a useful resource that we can utilise in our production.
  • the first shot in our production heavily involves the use of text showing date and time, because of this we must look at clips with similar themes like true detective to a certain extent because this will help us to shape our production.
  • we also want our titles to be expressive but not overly bold to the point where they take the attention off of the on screen antics.


  1. I agree Freddie, interesting choice of opening, maybe you could adopt a more montage idea for your opening so that there is more cross cutting between present and past 18/20
