Tuesday, 13 January 2015

OH: Reflection on Shoot 11/01/2015

Where and When?

  • The first shoot we were to do as a group took place in a friends workshop in Hadlow
  • On the 11th of January 2015, Ben and I arrived at 2:30 and left at 5

What Scenes were we focusing on?

  • The main focus of the days filming was to shoot the scene of the interrogation were the male actor (Freddie Carus) and female actor (Louise Carus) use the script to act out the idea of an interrogation scene.
  • However we knew it would be possible to film the other scenes such as the one where the husband to the female being interrogated stalks to the building in a set of POV shots. Also we knew it was possible that we might have been able to shoot the murder shots however this was only if we found the right sets in and around the warehouse. Not only this but we knew that the additional shot ideas were heavily light dependant.
The single source of lighting that we had was the desk light

What was my individual role in the shoot?

  • As this was our first shoot i was full of ideas as to how to create an eerie feel and interrogation feel to the shots. So the night before i'd watched the interrogation scene from the dark night and saw that none of the shots were stills and the camera was always moving, no matter if it was a track or zoom. So i came up with the idea to put the track behind both of the chairs as well as next to the table, enabling the camera to move along behind the two actors as they entered conversation. 
  • Individually i'd say i mostly helped to set up the scene and shared my visions of shots with the members of the group allowing us to shoot these level four shots.

Did your storyboard affect your camera and framing?

  • As most of the ideas came from myself towards the drawing of the storyboard you could say that when i shared my ideas to the group they were partly based on the layout of the storyboard. However we didn't allow ourselves to be tied down and restricted by the bounds of the storyboard and let our ideas roam free to create the different shots, pull focus, over the shoulder etc.
Andy and I sorted out the set and cleaned the desk

What do i think went well?

  • Personally, i believe the lighting went well and the setting up of the shoot. When Ben and I arrived we had a fixed mindset as to what the set was to look like and didn't want to compromise any shots simply due to the set not being appropriate, so we put a lot of time in doing that. Obviously part of the setting up was adjusting the lighting as we tested out the different effects on the camera from different types of lights and picked the one which suited our idea the best which was the desk lamp.
Ben and I tried out a few different camera angles 

What challenges did you come across?

  • The main challenge was the fact that the female actor, Louise, had a time bracket that she was available so we had to tailor our shoot around her. This did end up with us rushing some of the shots and possibly not getting the right angle to some of the shots. As well as not being able to go back and re-do some of the shots which weren't of the best quality.
Some of the set was quite dusty so we had to clean before hand

How are you going to use this influence in your next shoot?

  • This will probably be the last time that we will need to use this location so we won't have the advantages of pre made sets and lighting all ready established so i'd assume we'll have to follow the same procedure as this time in the next shoot. However we know that we need to get all of the shots done at least three to four times just incase there are faults in a few of them and we wouldn't be able to go back to correct them.

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